Chapter 2 Lecture 02

2.1 What proportion of the surface is covered with water?

2.2 Bayesian data analysis

For each possible explanation of the data

2.3 Globe tossing


  • No point estimate

The distribution is the estimate

Always use the entire distribtution

  • No one true interval

Intervals communicate shape of posterior.

50% and 89% are just arbitrary numbers used.

95% is obvious superstition. Nothing magical happens at the boundary.

None of this is logical. It’s just conventions.

2.3.2 Letters from my reviewers

“The authors uses these cute 89% intervals, but we need to see the 95% intervals so we can tell whether any of the effects are robust.”

That an arbitrary interval contains an arbitrary value is not meaningful. Use the whole distribtution. The intervals are just for a short summary of the distribution.

2.4 Formalities

The observations (data) and explanations (parametrers) are variables.

For each variable, must say how it is generated.

  1. Data: W and L, the number of water and land obervations

\[ \operatorname{Pr}(W, L \mid p)=\frac{(W+L) !}{W ! L !} p^{W}(1-p)^{L} \] \[ \operatorname{Pr} (W, L \mid p) = \frac{(W + L)!} {W! L!} p^{W} (1-p)^{L} \]

Binomial probability function:

\[ \text { dbinom (} W, W+L, p) \]

# x: vectior of quarantines
# size: number of observations
# p vector of probabilities
# p(x) = choose(n, x) p^x (1-p)^(n-x)
# for x = 0, …, n. Note that binomial coefficients can be computed by choose in R.
dbinom(6, 9, 0.7)
## [1] 0.2668279
  1. Parameters: p, the proportion of water on the globe

Relative plausibility of each possible \(p\)

\[ \operatorname{Pr} (p) = \frac{1} {1-0} = 1 \]

Posterior is (normalized) product

\[ \operatorname{Pr} (p \mid W, L) = \frac{\operatorname{Pr} (W, L \mid p)\operatorname{Pr}(p)} {\operatorname{Pr} (W, L)} \]

For each possible value of \(p\), to get the probability of that \(p\) conditional on W and L

\(\operatorname{Pr} (W, L)\) is the normalization constant

  1. With number

For each possible value of p, compute

2.5 Grid approximation

p_grid <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 1000)
prob_p <- rep(1, 1000)
prob_data <- dbinom(6, 9, prob = p_grid)
posterior <- prob_data * prob_p
posterior_normalized <- posterior / sum(posterior)
## Probability distribution

p_grid <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 1000)
prob_p <- dbeta(p_grid, 3, 1)
prob_data <- dbinom(6, 9, prob = p_grid)
posterior <- prob_data * prob_p
posterior_normalized_beta <- posterior / sum(posterior)
## Probability distribution
plot(posterior_normalized, col="gray", 
     ylim=c(0,max(posterior_normalized, posterior_normalized_beta)))