Chapter 3 Lecture 05

3.1 Elemental confounds

The four elemental confounds

3.2 The fork

\(X \leftarrow Z \rightarrow Y\)

n <- 1000
## confounding variable
## Fair coin flip
Z <- rbern(n, 0.5)
X <- rbern(n, (1-Z)*0.1 + Z*0.9)
Y <- rbern(n, (1-Z)*0.1 + Z*0.9)

When \(Z\) equals 0, \(X\) and \(Y\) has 0.1 probabilty to be 1; When \(Z\) equals 1, \(X\) and \(Y\) has 0.9 probabilty to be 1;

table(X, Y)
##    Y
## X     0   1
##   0 414  95
##   1  89 402

\[Y \not\!\perp\!\!\!\perp X\] Y is not independent on X because there is a common cause.

cor(X[], Y)
## [1] 0.6320058

When we stratify \(Z\), the diagonals are not bigger as proportion as the off diagonals.

\[Y \not\!\perp\!\!\!\perp X \mid Z\]

cor(X[Z==0], Y[Z==0])
## [1] 0.01552259
cor(X[Z==1], Y[Z==1])
## [1] -0.02201733

cols = c(4, 2)
N = 300
Z <- rbern(N, prob = 0.5)
X <- rnorm(N, 2*Z-1)
Y <- rnorm(N, 2*Z-1)

plot(X, Y, col= cols[Z+1], lwd = 3)
abline(lm(Y[Z==1]~X[Z==1]), col=2, lwd=3)
abline(lm(Y[Z==0]~X[Z==0]), col=2, lwd=3)
abline(lm(Y~X), lwd=3)
text(x = -2, y=2, labels = "Z = 0", col = 4)

We have a continouse variable \(X\) and \(Y\). For all \(X\) and \(Y\), there is a positive correlation.

X and Y are not independent on one another.

3.2.1 Fork example

Why do regions of the US with higher rates of marriage also have higher rates of divorce?

## Loading required package: rstan
## Loading required package: StanHeaders
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## rstan (Version 2.21.3, GitRev: 2e1f913d3ca3)
## For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
## options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()).
## To avoid recompilation of unchanged Stan programs, we recommend calling
## rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
## Loading required package: cmdstanr
## This is cmdstanr version 0.4.0
## - Online documentation and vignettes at
## - Use set_cmdstan_path() to set the path to CmdStan
## - Use install_cmdstan() to install CmdStan
## Loading required package: parallel
## rethinking (Version 2.21)
## Attaching package: 'rethinking'
## The following object is masked from 'package:rstan':
##     stan
## The following objects are masked from 'package:simcausal':
##     rbern, sim
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     rstudent
##                Location Loc Population MedianAgeMarriage Marriage Marriage.SE
## 1               Alabama  AL       4.78              25.3     20.2        1.27
## 2                Alaska  AK       0.71              25.2     26.0        2.93
## 3               Arizona  AZ       6.33              25.8     20.3        0.98
## 4              Arkansas  AR       2.92              24.3     26.4        1.70
## 5            California  CA      37.25              26.8     19.1        0.39
## 6              Colorado  CO       5.03              25.7     23.5        1.24
## 7           Connecticut  CT       3.57              27.6     17.1        1.06
## 8              Delaware  DE       0.90              26.6     23.1        2.89
## 9  District of Columbia  DC       0.60              29.7     17.7        2.53
## 10              Florida  FL      18.80              26.4     17.0        0.58
## 11              Georgia  GA       9.69              25.9     22.1        0.81
## 12               Hawaii  HI       1.36              26.9     24.9        2.54
## 13                Idaho  ID       1.57              23.2     25.8        1.84
## 14             Illinois  IL      12.83              27.0     17.9        0.58
## 15              Indiana  IN       6.48              25.7     19.8        0.81
## 16                 Iowa  IA       3.05              25.4     21.5        1.46
## 17               Kansas  KS       2.85              25.0     22.1        1.48
## 18             Kentucky  KY       4.34              24.8     22.2        1.11
## 19            Louisiana  LA       4.53              25.9     20.6        1.19
## 20                Maine  ME       1.33              26.4     13.5        1.40
## 21             Maryland  MD       5.77              27.3     18.3        1.02
## 22        Massachusetts  MA       6.55              28.5     15.8        0.70
## 23             Michigan  MI       9.88              26.4     16.5        0.69
## 24            Minnesota  MN       5.30              26.3     15.3        0.77
## 25          Mississippi  MS       2.97              25.8     19.3        1.54
## 26             Missouri  MO       5.99              25.6     18.6        0.81
## 27              Montana  MT       0.99              25.7     18.5        2.31
## 28             Nebraska  NE       1.83              25.4     19.6        1.44
## 29        New Hampshire  NH       1.32              26.8     16.7        1.76
## 30           New Jersey  NJ       8.79              27.7     14.8        0.59
## 31           New Mexico  NM       2.06              25.8     20.4        1.90
## 32             New York  NY      19.38              28.4     16.8        0.47
## 33       North Carolina  NC       9.54              25.7     20.4        0.98
## 34         North Dakota  ND       0.67              25.3     26.7        2.93
## 35                 Ohio  OH      11.54              26.3     16.9        0.61
## 36             Oklahoma  OK       3.75              24.4     23.8        1.29
## 37               Oregon  OR       3.83              26.0     18.9        1.10
## 38         Pennsylvania  PA      12.70              27.1     15.5        0.48
## 39         Rhode Island  RI       1.05              28.2     15.0        2.11
## 40       South Carolina  SC       4.63              26.4     18.1        1.18
## 41         South Dakota  SD       0.81              25.6     20.1        2.64
## 42            Tennessee  TN       6.35              25.2     19.4        0.85
## 43                Texas  TX      25.15              25.2     21.5        0.61
## 44                 Utah  UT       2.76              23.3     29.6        1.77
## 45              Vermont  VT       0.63              26.9     16.4        2.40
## 46             Virginia  VA       8.00              26.4     20.5        0.83
## 47           Washington  WA       6.72              25.9     21.4        1.00
## 48        West Virginia  WV       1.85              25.0     22.2        1.69
## 49            Wisconsin  WI       5.69              26.3     17.2        0.79
## 50              Wyoming  WY       0.56              24.2     30.7        3.92
##    Divorce Divorce.SE WaffleHouses South Slaves1860 Population1860
## 1     12.7       0.79          128     1     435080         964201
## 2     12.5       2.05            0     0          0              0
## 3     10.8       0.74           18     0          0              0
## 4     13.5       1.22           41     1     111115         435450
## 5      8.0       0.24            0     0          0         379994
## 6     11.6       0.94           11     0          0          34277
## 7      6.7       0.77            0     0          0         460147
## 8      8.9       1.39            3     0       1798         112216
## 9      6.3       1.89            0     0          0          75080
## 10     8.5       0.32          133     1      61745         140424
## 11    11.5       0.58          381     1     462198        1057286
## 12     8.3       1.27            0     0          0              0
## 13     7.7       1.05            0     0          0              0
## 14     8.0       0.45            2     0          0        1711951
## 15    11.0       0.63           17     0          0        1350428
## 16    10.2       0.91            0     0          0         674913
## 17    10.6       1.09            6     0          2         107206
## 18    12.6       0.75           64     1     225483        1155684
## 19    11.0       0.89           66     1     331726         708002
## 20    13.0       1.48            0     0          0         628279
## 21     8.8       0.69           11     0      87189         687049
## 22     7.8       0.52            0     0          0        1231066
## 23     9.2       0.53            0     0          0         749113
## 24     7.4       0.60            0     0          0         172023
## 25    11.1       1.01           72     1     436631         791305
## 26     9.5       0.67           39     1     114931        1182012
## 27     9.1       1.71            0     0          0              0
## 28     8.8       0.94            0     0         15          28841
## 29    10.1       1.61            0     0          0         326073
## 30     6.1       0.46            0     0         18         672035
## 31    10.2       1.11            2     0          0          93516
## 32     6.6       0.31            0     0          0        3880735
## 33     9.9       0.48          142     1     331059         992622
## 34     8.0       1.44            0     0          0              0
## 35     9.5       0.45           64     0          0        2339511
## 36    12.8       1.01           16     0          0              0
## 37    10.4       0.80            0     0          0          52465
## 38     7.7       0.43           11     0          0        2906215
## 39     9.4       1.79            0     0          0         174620
## 40     8.1       0.70          144     1     402406         703708
## 41    10.9       2.50            0     0          0           4837
## 42    11.4       0.75          103     1     275719        1109801
## 43    10.0       0.35           99     1     182566         604215
## 44    10.2       0.93            0     0          0          40273
## 45     9.6       1.87            0     0          0         315098
## 46     8.9       0.52           40     1     490865        1219630
## 47    10.0       0.65            0     0          0          11594
## 48    10.9       1.34            4     1      18371         376688
## 49     8.3       0.57            0     0          0         775881
## 50    10.3       1.90            0     0          0              0
##    PropSlaves1860
## 1         4.5e-01
## 2         0.0e+00
## 3         0.0e+00
## 4         2.6e-01
## 5         0.0e+00
## 6         0.0e+00
## 7         0.0e+00
## 8         1.6e-02
## 9         0.0e+00
## 10        4.4e-01
## 11        4.4e-01
## 12        0.0e+00
## 13        0.0e+00
## 14        0.0e+00
## 15        0.0e+00
## 16        0.0e+00
## 17        1.9e-05
## 18        0.0e+00
## 19        4.7e-01
## 20        0.0e+00
## 21        1.3e-01
## 22        0.0e+00
## 23        0.0e+00
## 24        0.0e+00
## 25        5.5e-01
## 26        9.7e-02
## 27        0.0e+00
## 28        5.2e-04
## 29        0.0e+00
## 30        2.7e-05
## 31        0.0e+00
## 32        0.0e+00
## 33        3.3e-01
## 34        0.0e+00
## 35        0.0e+00
## 36        0.0e+00
## 37        0.0e+00
## 38        0.0e+00
## 39        0.0e+00
## 40        5.7e-01
## 41        0.0e+00
## 42        2.0e-01
## 43        3.0e-01
## 44        0.0e+00
## 45        0.0e+00
## 46        4.0e-01
## 47        0.0e+00
## 48        4.9e-02
## 49        0.0e+00
## 50        0.0e+00

\(M \leftarrow A \rightarrow D\)

3.2.2 What does it mean to stratify by a continouse variable

How does \(A\) influence \(D ?\)

What is \(D=f(A, M) ?\)

In a linear regression:

\[ \begin{aligned} D_{i} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}\left(\mu_{i}, \sigma\right) \\ \mu_{i} &=\alpha+\beta_{M} M_{i}+\beta_{A} A_{i} \end{aligned} \]

Every value of \(A\) produces of different relationship between \(D\) and \(M\).

From the perspective of marriage rate, marriage is just something that makes the intercept conditional on age.

OFten convenient to standardize variales in linear regression.

Standardize (Z-score): substract mean and divide by standard deviation.

Computation works better.

Easy to choose sensible priors.


\[ \begin{aligned} D_{i} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}\left(\mu_{i}, \sigma\right) \\ \mu_{i} &=\alpha+\beta_{M} M_{i}+\beta_{A} A \\ \alpha & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,10) \\ \beta_{M} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,10) \\ \beta_{A} & \sim \operatorname{Normal}(0,10) \\ \sigma & \sim \operatorname{Exponential}(1) \end{aligned} \]

n <- 20
a <- rnorm(n, 0, 10)
bM <- rnorm(n, 0, 10)
bA <- rnorm(n, 0, 10)
plot(NULL, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), 
    xlab="Meian age of marriage (standardized)",
    ylab="Divoce rate (stardardized)")
Aseq <- seq(from=-3, to=3, len=30)
for(i in 1:n){
  mu <- a[i] + bA[i]*Aseq
  lines(Aseq, mu, lwd=2, col=2)

n <- 20
a <- rnorm(n, 0, 0.02)
bM <- rnorm(n, 0,0.5)
bA <- rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)
plot(NULL, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2, 2), 
    xlab="Meian age of marriage (standardized)",
    ylab="Divoce rate (stardardized)")
Aseq <- seq(from=-3, to=3, len=30)
for(i in 1:n){
  mu <- a[i] + bA[i]*Aseq
  lines(Aseq, mu, lwd=2, col=2)
} Analyze the data

## Loading required package: perry
## Loading required package: robustbase
## Attaching package: 'robustHD'
## The following object is masked from 'package:rethinking':
##     standardize

3.3 Reference