26 Linear mixed model in R

26.1 Data from an Oats Field Trial

The Oats data frame has 72 rows and 4 columns.

This data frame contains the following columns:

  • Block: an ordered factor with levels VI < V < III < IV < II < I

  • Variety: a factor with levels Golden Rain Marvellous Victory

  • nitro: a numeric vector

  • yield: a numeric vector


## Warning in fun(libname, pkgname): couldn't connect to display ":0"
## system has no X11 capabilities, therefore only ascii graphs will be produced by dfSummary()
## Attaching package: 'summarytools'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:Hmisc':
##     label, label<-
## Data Frame Summary  
## oats  
## Dimensions: 72 x 4  
## Duplicates: 0  
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## No   Variable    Stats / Values            Freqs (% of Valid)   Graph           Valid    Missing  
## ---- ----------- ------------------------- -------------------- --------------- -------- ---------
## 1    B           1. I                      12 (16.7%)           III             72       0        
##      [factor]    2. II                     12 (16.7%)           III             (100%)   (0%)     
##                  3. III                    12 (16.7%)           III                               
##                  4. IV                     12 (16.7%)           III                               
##                  5. V                      12 (16.7%)           III                               
##                  6. VI                     12 (16.7%)           III                               
## 2    V           1. Golden.rain            24 (33.3%)           IIIIII          72       0        
##      [factor]    2. Marvellous             24 (33.3%)           IIIIII          (100%)   (0%)     
##                  3. Victory                24 (33.3%)           IIIIII                            
## 3    N           1. 0.0cwt                 18 (25.0%)           IIIII           72       0        
##      [factor]    2. 0.2cwt                 18 (25.0%)           IIIII           (100%)   (0%)     
##                  3. 0.4cwt                 18 (25.0%)           IIIII                             
##                  4. 0.6cwt                 18 (25.0%)           IIIII                             
## 4    Y           Mean (sd) : 104 (27.1)    51 distinct values       :           72       0        
##      [integer]   min < med < max:                                   : :         (100%)   (0%)     
##                  53 < 102.5 < 174                                 : : : :                         
##                  IQR (CV) : 35.2 (0.3)                            : : : :                         
##                                                                 . : : : : : .                     
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##    B                V           N            Y        
##  I  :12   Golden.rain:24   0.0cwt:18   Min.   : 53.0  
##  II :12   Marvellous :24   0.2cwt:18   1st Qu.: 86.0  
##  III:12   Victory    :24   0.4cwt:18   Median :102.5  
##  IV :12                    0.6cwt:18   Mean   :104.0  
##  V  :12                                3rd Qu.:121.2  
##  VI :12                                Max.   :174.0

26.2 Data visulization

ggplot(oats, aes(x = V, y = Y)) + 

ggplot(oats, aes(x = V, y = Y, color = N)) + 
    geom_point() + facet_wrap(~N, nrow = 1)

ggplot(oats, aes(x = N, y = Y, color = N)) + 
    geom_point() + facet_wrap(~V, nrow = 1)

ggplot(oats, aes(x = N, y = Y, color = N)) + 
    geom_boxplot() + 
    geom_point() + facet_wrap(~V, nrow = 1)

26.3 Mixed linear model

##   subject gender scenario attitude frequency
## 1      F1      F        1      pol     213.3
## 2      F1      F        1      inf     204.5
## 3      F1      F        2      pol     285.1
## 4      F1      F        2      inf     259.7
## 5      F1      F        3      pol     203.9
## 6      F1      F        3      inf     286.9
## Warning in data(Oats): data set 'Oats' not found