Chapter 8 Install Bioinformatics software in Linux
8.1 Installation from source code
Nearly all of the Bioinformatics softwares will be downloaded as a compressed files. So the first thing you need to do is to uncompress the file. Then the source codes will be included in a folder. You can cd
to the folder and ls
the files/directories. Mostly you will find either a file named README
or both. If you read this file to know how to install the software.
8.1.1 Install bwa
tar xjvf bwa-0.7.15.tar.bz2
cd bwa-0.7.15
8.1.2 Install samtools
Installation of Samtools
is one of the best representatives of how to instsall a Bioinformatics tool.
# Download the source code
# Uncompress the source code
tar xjvf samtools-1.3.1.tar.bz2
# Enter the source code directory.
cd samtools-1.3.1
# Configure the build system
# Build samtools
# Become a `root` user for system-wide install:
su root
# Install `Samtools`
make install
Install samtools
without root previledges
By default, ‘make install’ installs samtools and the utilities under /usr/local/bin and manual pages under /usr/local/share/man.
You can specify a different location to install Samtools by configuring with –prefix=DIR or specify locations for particular parts of HTSlib by configuring with –bindir=DIR and so on. Type ‘./configure –help’ for the full list of such install directory options.
Alternatively you can specify different locations at install time by typing ‘make prefix=DIR install’ or ‘make bindir=DIR install’ and so on. Consult the list of prefix/exec_prefix/etc variables near the top of the Makefile for the full list of such variables that can be overridden.
You can also specify a staging area by typing ‘make DESTDIR=DIR install,’ possibly in conjunction with other –prefix or prefix=DIR settings. For example,
make DESTDIR=/tmp/staging prefix=/opt
would install into bin and share/man subdirectories under /tmp/staging/opt.
8.1.3 Align reads to genome using bwa
and store the alignment results in SAM/BAM files
./bwa index ref.fa
./bwa mem ref.fa read-se.fq.gz | gzip -3 > aln-se.sam.gz
./bwa mem ref.fa read1.fq read2.fq | gzip -3 > aln-pe.sam.gz
8.2 Installing a precompiled binary (executable)
For programs that are already compiled (converted from high level source code in a language like C into machine specific code), you are often given some choices and need to determine how to download the version that has the correct CPU architecture for your machine.
8.2.1 Install bwa
tar xjvf bwakit-0.7.15_x64-linux.tar.bz2
cd bwa.kit/
Program: bwa (alignment via Burrows-Wheeler transformation)
Version: 0.7.15-r1140
Contact: Heng Li <>
Usage: bwa <command> [options]
Command: index index sequences in the FASTA format
mem BWA-MEM algorithm
fastmap identify super-maximal exact matches
pemerge merge overlapping paired ends (EXPERIMENTAL)
aln gapped/ungapped alignment
samse generate alignment (single ended)
sampe generate alignment (paired ended)
bwasw BWA-SW for long queries
shm manage indices in shared memory
fa2pac convert FASTA to PAC format
pac2bwt generate BWT from PAC
pac2bwtgen alternative algorithm for generating BWT
bwtupdate update .bwt to the new format
bwt2sa generate SA from BWT and Occ
Note: To use BWA, you need to first index the genome with `bwa index'.
There are three alignment algorithms in BWA: `mem', `bwasw', and
`aln/samse/sampe'. If you are not sure which to use, try `bwa mem'
first. Please `man ./bwa.1' for the manual.
8.2.2 Install with conda
(recommended way) Install conda
Go the web link here (
sh Install a software package in a envrionment
Google-search “conda bwa,” click the first hit and copy the command lines to install bwa
conda install -c bioconda bwa
#conda install -c bioconda/label/cf201901 bwa