Chapter 27 Linear regression

here we will be analyzing the NHANES data, allowing us to illustrate the use of these two regression methods for addressing meaningful questions with actual data.

# Read the 2015-2016 wave of NHANES data
df <- read.csv("data/nhanes_2015_2016.csv")

col2keep <- c("BPXSY1", "RIDAGEYR", "RIAGENDR", "RIDRETH1", "DMDEDUC2", "BMXBMI", "SMQ020")
df_subset <- df[, col2keep]
## [1] 5735    7
df_subset <- df_subset[complete.cases(df_subset), ]
## [1] 5102    7
## 1    128       62        1        3        5   27.8      1
## 2    146       53        1        3        3   30.8      1
## 3    138       78        1        3        3   28.8      1
## 4    132       56        2        3        5   42.4      2
## 5    100       42        2        4        4   20.3      2
## 6    116       72        2        1        2   28.6      2

We will focus initially on regression models in which systolic blood pressure (SBP) is the outcome (dependent) variable. That is, we will predict SBP from other variables. SBP is an important indicator of cardiovascular health. It tends to increase with age, is greater for overweight people (i.e. people with greater body mass index or BMI), and also differs among demographic groups, for example among gender and ethnic groups.

Since SBP is a quantitative variable, we will model it using linear regression. Linear regression is the most widely-utilized form of statistical regression. While linear regression is commonly used with quantitative outcome variables, it is not the only type of regression model that can be used with quantitative outcomes, nor is it the case that linear regression can only be used with quantitative outcomes. However, linear regression is a good default starting point for any regression analysis using a quantitative outcome variable.

27.1 Interpreting regression parameters in a basic model

We start with a simple linear regression model with only one covariate, age, predicting SBP. In the NHANES data, the variable BPXSY1 contains the first recorded measurement of SBP for a subject, and RIDAGEYR is the subject’s age in years. The model that is fit in the next cell expresses the expected SBP as a linear function of age: = lm(BPXSY1 ~ RIDAGEYR, data=df_subset)

## Call:
## lm(formula = BPXSY1 ~ RIDAGEYR, data = df_subset)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -52.355 -10.843  -1.500   8.686 109.162 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 102.09352    0.68464   149.1   <2e-16 ***
## RIDAGEYR      0.47585    0.01304    36.5   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 16.46 on 5100 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.2072, Adjusted R-squared:  0.207 
## F-statistic:  1333 on 1 and 5100 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Much of the output above is not relevant for us, so focus on the center section of the output where the header begins with Coefficients. This section contains the estimated values of the parameters of the regression model, their standard errors, and other values that are used to quantify the uncertainty in the regression parameter estimates. Note that the parameters of a regression model, which appear in the column labeled coef in the table above, may also be referred to as slopes or effects.

This fitted model implies that when comparing two people whose ages differ by one year, the older person will on average have 0.48 units higher SBP than the younger person. This difference is statistically significant, based on the p-value shown under the column labeled Pr(>|t|). This means that there is strong evidence that there is a real association between between systolic blood pressure and age in this population.

SBP is measured in units of millimeters of mercury, expressed mm/Hg. In order to better understand the meaning of the estimated regression parameter 0.48, we can look at the standard deviation of SBP:

## [1] 18.48656

The standard deviation of around 18.5 is large compared to the regression slope of 0.48. However the regression slope corresponds to the average change in SBP for a single year of age, and this effect accumulates with age. Comparing a 40 year-old person to a 60 year-old person, there is a 20 year difference in age, which translates into a 20 * 0.48 = 9.6 unit difference in average SBP between these two people. This difference is around half of one standard deviation, and would generally be considered to be an important and meaningful shift.

27.1.1 R-squared and correlation

In the case of regression with a single independent variable, as we have here, there is a very close correspondence between the regression analysis and a Pearson correlation analysis. The primary summary statistic for assessing the strength of a predictive relationship in a regression model is the R-squared, which is shown to be 0.207 in the regression output above. This means that 21% of the variation in SBP is explained by age. Note that this value is exactly the same as the squared Pearson correlation coefficient between SBP and age, as shown below.

cor.test(df_subset$BPXSY1, df_subset$RIDAGEYR)
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  df_subset$BPXSY1 and df_subset$RIDAGEYR
## t = 36.504, df = 5100, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.4331109 0.4766303
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.4551424
plot(BPXSY1 ~ RIDAGEYR, data = df_subset)

27.2 Reference

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