第 7 章 统计模型

All models are wrong, but some are useful. -George E. P. Box

  当我们在文献里面看见P值时, 这意味着作者采用了某种概率分布来对零假设建模。 很多时候,使用哪种概率分布是相对比较简单的。例如,在茶品鉴中我们可以使用简单的概率计算来确定零假设。大多数的P值或者是样本均值或者是从线性模型的最小平方。??????


  但是这并不代表我们调查的每一个数据集都服从正态分布。比如一些不符合正态分布的例子有:掷硬币,中奖人数以及美国人的收入.正态分布并不是唯一的可以用来建模的参数分布。这里我们会简单的解少一些常见的参数分布以及它们在生命科学领域的应用。我们主要集中在模型。因此,我们也需要介绍贝叶斯统计的基本知识。如果你想获得对概率模型和参数分布更深入的描述,请参考教科书数据(Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis)

7.1 二项分布 (The Binomial Distribution)


\[ \mbox{Pr}(S=k) = {N \choose k}p^k (1-p)^{N-k} \]



7.2 泊松分布 (The Poisson Distribution)


p=10^-7 ##1 in 10,000,0000 chances of winning
N=5*10^6 ##5,000,000 tickets bought
winners=rbinom(1000,N,p) ##1000 is the number of different lotto draws
Number of people that win the lottery obtained from Monte Carlo simulation.

(#fig:lottery_winners_outcomes)Number of people that win the lottery obtained from Monte Carlo simulation.

## winners
##     0     1     2     3     4 
## 0.604 0.316 0.067 0.012 0.001

  在这种情况下,\(N\)非常大,而\(p\)又足够小从而使\(N \times p\)(这里称它为\(\lambda\))成为一个从0到某个值(例如10)的数。 这个时候\(S\)可被看成是服从泊松分布.泊松分布可以用一个简单的公式来表示:

\[ \mbox{Pr}(S=k)=\frac{\lambda^k e^{-\lambda}}{k!} \]


  为什么泊松分布能帮助我们呢? 其中一个作用是泊松分布为我们提供了在实践中经常会用到的统计属性。例如,在在一对处理和对照组的RNA-seq数据中,我们想鉴定倍数变化最明显的基因。泊松分布模型中的一种情况是,在零假设为没有差异的时候,倍数变化的变异程度取决于基因的表达丰度。

N=10000##number of genes
lambdas=2^seq(1,16,len=N) ##these are the true abundances of genes
y=rpois(N,lambdas)##note that the null hypothesis is true for all genes
ind=which(y>0 & x>0)##make sure no 0s due to ratio and log

MA plot of simulated RNA-seq data. Replicated measurements follow a Poisson distribution.

(#fig:rna_seq_simulation)MA plot of simulated RNA-seq data. Replicated measurements follow a Poisson distribution.



library(parathyroidSE) ##available from Bioconductor
se <- parathyroidGenesSE

  这个数据保存在一个SummarizedExperiment对象中,这里我们不对其进项详述。你只需要知道SummarizedExperiment对象中包含一个矩阵数据,这个矩阵中每一列是一个基因,每一行是一个样本。我们可以使用函数assay来提取这个矩阵。在这个矩阵中,每一个单元格是对应的样本中比对到对应基因的短序列的个数(read count)。利用这个数据我们得到了一个和模拟数据相似的一个图,这表明泊松模型预测的结果和我们真实实验数据得到的结果一致。

  在R代码中,ind=which(y>0 & x>0)的作用是将x和y中均大于零的索引值(index)提出来。在使用splot时只对这些数据进行作图,因为这些0的行会在进行除法和对数运算时会导致报错。因为这里我们没有\(\lambda\),我们使用(log2(x)+log2(y))/2作为对\(\lambda\)的估算。

x <- assay(se)[,23]
y <- assay(se)[,24]
ind=which(y>0 & x>0)##make sure no 0s due to ratio and log 
MA plot of replicated RNA-seq data.

(#fig:RNA-seq_MAplot)MA plot of replicated RNA-seq data.



vars=rowVars(assay(se)[,c(2,8,16,21)]) ##we know these are four
means=rowMeans(assay(se)[,c(2,8,16,21)]) ##different individuals

splot(means,vars,log="xy",subset=which(means>0&vars>0)) ##plot a subset of data
Variance versus mean plot. Summaries were obtained from the RNA-seq data.

(#fig:var_vs_mean)Variance versus mean plot. Summaries were obtained from the RNA-seq data.


7.3 最大似然估计

  为了能解释最大似然估计的概念,这里我们使用一个相对比较简单的数据。该数据中包含了HMCV(人巨细胞病毒:human cytomegalovirus)基因组中的回文序列。我们读取这些回文序列的位置,然后计算每4k区段内的回文序列数目。



Palindrome count histogram.

(#fig:palindrome_count_histogram)Palindrome count histogram.


\[ \Pr(X_1=k_1,\dots,X_n=k_n;\lambda) = \prod_{i=1}^n \lambda^{k_i} / k_i! \exp ( -\lambda) \]


\[ \mbox{L}(\lambda; X_1=k_1,\dots,X_n=k_1)=\exp\left\{\sum_{i=1}^n \log \Pr(X_i=k_i;\lambda)\right\} \]


l<-function(lambda) sum(dpois(counts,lambda,log=TRUE)) 

ls <- exp(sapply(lambdas,l))


Likelihood versus lambda.

图 7.1: Likelihood versus lambda.


print( c(mle$maximum, mean(counts) ) )
## [1] 5.158 5.158



Observed counts versus theoretical Poisson counts.

(#fig:obs_versus_theoretical_Poisson_count)Observed counts versus theoretical Poisson counts.


7.4 连续变量的分布




library(Biobase) ##available from Bioconductor
library(maPooling) ##available from course github repo


##determine which samples are bio reps and which are tech reps
pooled=which(rowSums(pd)==12 & strain==1)
individuals=which(rowSums(pd)==1 & strain==1)

##remove replicates

###now compute the gene specific standard deviations


###now plot
legend("topright",c("Biological","Technical"), col=c(1,2),lty=c(1,1))
Histograms of biological variance and technical variance.

(#fig:bio_sd_versus_tech_sd)Histograms of biological variance and technical variance.




Normal qq-plot for sample standard deviations.

(#fig:sd_qqplot)Normal qq-plot for sample standard deviations.


\[ f(x;\alpha,\beta)=\frac{\beta^\alpha x^{\alpha-1}\exp{-\beta x}}{\Gamma(\alpha)} \]

  公式中的\(\alpha\)\(\beta\)可以间接的控制分布的位置和重尾(heavy tail)的程度,进而控制了分布的形状。如果你想了解更多关于这个分布的内容,请参考这本书.



\[ f(x,d_1,d_2)=\frac{1}{B\left( \frac{d_1}{2},\frac{d_2}{2}\right)} \left(\frac{d_1}{d_2}\right)^{\frac{d_1}{2}} x^{\frac{d_1}{2}-1}\left(1+\frac{d1}{d2}x\right)^{-\frac{d_1+d_2}{2}} \] 方差建模


\[ s^2 \sim s_0^2 F_{d,d_0} \]

with \(d\) the degrees of freedom involved in computing \(s^2\). For example, in a case comparing 3 versus 3, the degrees of freedom would be 4. This leaves two free parameters to adjust to the data. Here \(d\) will control the location and \(s_0\) will control the scale. Below are some examples of \(F\) distribution plotted on top of the histogram from the sample variances:

for(d in c(1,5,10)){
  for(s0 in c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)){
    tmp=hist(biosds,main=paste("s_0 =",s0,"d =",d),
    ##multiply by normalizing constant to assure same range on plot
Histograms of sample standard deviations and densities of estimated distributions.

(#fig:modeling_variance)Histograms of sample standard deviations and densities of estimated distributions.

Now which \(s_0\) and \(d\) fit our data best? This is a rather advanced topic as the MLE does not perform well for this particular distribution (we refer to Smyth (2004)). The Bioconductor limma package provides a function to estimate these parameters:


theoretical<- sqrt(qf((seq(0,999)+0.5)/1000, 11, estimates$df2)*estimates$scale)
observed <- biosds

The fitted models do appear to provide a reasonable approximation, as demonstrated by the qq-plot and histogram:

tmp=hist(biosds,main=paste("s_0 =", signif(estimates[[1]],2),
                  "d =", signif(estimates[[2]],2)),
  xlab="sd", ylab="density", freq=FALSE, nc=100, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,9))
k=sum(tmp$density)/sum(dd) ##a normalizing constant to assure same area in plot
lines(sds, dd*k, type="l", col=2, lwd=2)
qq-plot (left) and density (right) demonstrate that model fits data well.

(#fig:variance_model_fit)qq-plot (left) and density (right) demonstrate that model fits data well.

7.5 贝叶斯统计

  高通量数据的一个突出特点是尽管我们想要研究一些特殊的特征值,但是通常我们也观察多许多相关的其他内容。例如,通过RNA-seq我们能够衡量成千上万个基因的表达量,利用ChIP-seq我们可以计算成千上万个峰的高度(象征蛋白结合强度),利用BS-seq我们可以计算几个CpG位点的甲基化水平。然而,前面我们介绍的大多数的统计推断方法将每一个特征值看成是独立的,因此并没有考虑其他特征值。 贝叶斯定理


\[ \mbox{Prob}(+ \mid D=1)=0.99, \mbox{Prob}(- \mid D=0)=0.99 \]



\[ \mbox{Pr}(A \mid B) = \frac{\mbox{Pr}(B \mid A)\mbox{Pr}(A)}{\mbox{Pr}(B)} \]


\[ \begin{align*} \mbox{Prob}(D=1 \mid +) & = \frac{ P(+ \mid D=1) \cdot P(D=1)} {\mbox{Prob}(+)} \\ & = \frac{\mbox{Prob}(+ \mid D=1)\cdot P(D=1)} {\mbox{Prob}(+ \mid D=1) \cdot P(D=1) + \mbox{Prob}(+ \mid D=0) \mbox{Prob}( D=0)} \end{align*} \]


\[ \frac{0.99 \cdot 0.00025}{0.99 \cdot 0.00025 + 0.01 \cdot (.99975)} = 0.02 \]

  这个结果表明,尽管检测准确性很高,能够达到0.99。但是在检测结果为阳性的情况下,受试者患病的概率却只有0.02。这看起来和我们的直觉是是相反的。得到这个结果的原因是在我们随机选取的这个受试者患病的概率极低。为了更直观的解释这个结果,我们使用蒙特·卡罗方法模拟一个数据。 模拟


prev <- 1/20
##Later, we are arranging 1000 people in 80 rows and 20 columns
M <- 50 ; N <- 30
##do they have the disease?


accuracy <- 0.9
test <- rep(NA,N*M)
##do controls test positive?
test[d==1]  <- rbinom(sum(d==1), 1, p=accuracy)
##do cases test positive?
test[d==0]  <- rbinom(sum(d==0), 1, p=1-accuracy)


Simulation demonstrating Bayes theorem. Top plot shows every individual with red denoting cases. Each one takes a test and with 90% gives correct answer. Those called positive (either correctly or incorrectly) are put in the bottom left pane. Those called negative in the bottom right.

图 7.2: Simulation demonstrating Bayes theorem. Top plot shows every individual with red denoting cases. Each one takes a test and with 90% gives correct answer. Those called positive (either correctly or incorrectly) are put in the bottom left pane. Those called negative in the bottom right.

  在上图中,上半部分红色比例代表\(\mbox{Pr}(D=1)\)。左下图代表\(\mbox{Pr}(D=1 \mid +)\)。左下图代表\(\mbox{Pr}(D=0 \mid +)\)

  José Iglesias是一个职业的棒球运动员。2013年4月是他职业生涯的第一个月,他的表现非常棒:

Month At Bats H AVG
April 20 9 .450

  棒球的击球率(AVG:the batting average)是衡量一个棒球员表现的一个指标。通常来讲,AVG表示击球成功的概率。0.450的AVG是非常好的一个表现。例如,1941年传奇棒球球员Ted Williams的AVG为0.406,从那以后没有一个球员能够取得这么好的成绩。为了解释分层模型是非常有效的,我们将试着利用José的超过500次的急求数据来预测其整个赛季的AVG


\[ \sqrt{\frac{.450 (1-.450)}{20}}=.111 \]


  这个预测有两个问题。首先,置信区间太大,所以没有实际意义。另外,该预测的中心是0.450(即我们的最佳预测),表明我们的最佳预测是这名新球员的AVG可能会打破Ted Williams在1941年创下的记录。如果你关注棒球,你会认为这个预测是有很大问题的。这是因为你已经在使用层次模型了,你将你几年来关注棒球得到的信息以一种直觉的形式来判断这一问题了。接下来我们将介绍我们如果以数学的形式来量化这种直觉。


Batting average histograms for 2010, 2011, and 2012.

(#fig:batting_averages)Batting average histograms for 2010, 2011, and 2012.

  我们会发现,棒球球员的AVG均值是0.275,标准差是0.027。所以我们已经可以看出0.450的AVG是非常异常的,这个值偏离均值超过6个标准差。所以José有0.450这个成绩是碰巧的还是说他确实是自1941年以来最好的球员呢?这可能两者的因素都有。但是碰巧的因素和他确实有这么好的概率有多少呢?这样的判断会对球员交易产生影响。如果,经过分析我们认为他只是碰巧取得了这个成绩,他并没有那么好,那么你作为球队老板可能就会选择将他交易到其他球队,也许其他球队会根据0.450这个数据尔高估他,认为他确实非常优秀。 层次模型


\[ \begin{align*} \theta &\sim N(\mu, \tau^2) \mbox{ describes randomness in picking a player}\\ Y \mid \theta &\sim N(\theta, \sigma^2) \mbox{ describes randomness in the performance of this particular player} \end{align*} \]

```   这里有两个层次的意思:1)球员和球员之间的差异;2)击球时运气因素引起的变异。在贝叶斯模型中,第一层次称之为_先验概率_,第二层次为_样本分布_。


\[ \begin{align*} \theta &\sim N(.275, .027^2) \\ Y \mid \theta &\sim N(\theta, .111^2) \end{align*} \]

  现在我们可以计算后验概率分布来预测\(\theta\)。贝叶斯法则的连续版本可以被用来推断_后验概率_,这也是从观测数据中的参数 \(\theta\)的缝补。

\[ \begin{align*} f_{ \theta \mid Y} (\theta\mid Y) &= \frac{f_{Y\mid \theta}(Y\mid \theta) f_{\theta}(\theta) }{f_Y(Y)}\\ &= \frac{f_{Y\mid \theta}(Y\mid \theta) f_{\theta}(\theta)} {\int_{\theta}f_{Y\mid \theta}(Y\mid \theta)f_{\theta}(\theta)} \end{align*} \]

  我们尤其对能够使后验概率\(f_{\theta\mid Y}(\theta\mid Y)\)取得最大值的\(\theta\)。在我们的数据中,我们可以看到后验概率的分布符合正态分布,我们也可以计算均值\(\mbox{E}(\theta\mid y)\)和方差\(\mbox{var}(\theta\mid y)\)。我们可以具体一下面的形式展示该分布的均值。

\[ \begin{align*} \mbox{E}(\theta\mid y) &= B \mu + (1-B) Y\\ &= \mu + (1-B)(Y-\mu)\\ B &= \frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^2+\tau^2} \end{align*} \]

It is a weighted average of the population average \(\mu\) and the observed data \(Y\). The weight depends on the SD of the population \(\tau\) and the SD of our observed data \(\sigma\). This weighted average is sometimes referred to as shrinking because it shrinks estimates towards a prior mean. In the case of José Iglesias, we have:

\[ \begin{align*} \mbox{E}(\theta \mid Y=.450) &= B \times .275 + (1 - B) \times .450 \\ &= .275 + (1 - B)(.450 - .275) \\ B &=\frac{.111^2}{.111^2 + .027^2} = 0.944\\ \mbox{E}(\theta \mid Y=450) &\approx .285 \end{align*} \]

The variance can be shown to be:

\[ \mbox{var}(\theta\mid y) = \frac{1}{1/\sigma^2+1/\tau^2} = \frac{1}{1/.111^2 + 1/.027^2} = 0.00069 \] and the standard deviation is therefore \(0.026\). So we started with a frequentist 95% confidence interval that ignored data from other players and summarized just José’s data: .450 \(\pm\) 0.220. Then we used a Bayesian approach that incorporated data from other players and other years to obtain a posterior probability. This is actually referred to as an empirical Bayes approach because we used data to construct the prior. From the posterior we can report what is called a 95% credible interval by reporting a region, centered at the mean, with a 95% chance of occurring. In our case, this turns out to be: .285 \(\pm\) 0.052.

The Bayesian credible interval suggests that if another team is impressed by the .450 observation, we should consider trading José as we are predicting he will be just slightly above average. Interestingly, the Red Sox traded José to the Detroit Tigers in July. Here are the José Iglesias batting averages for the next five months.

Month At Bat Hits AVG
April 20 9 .450
May 26 11 .423
June 86 34 .395
July 83 17 .205
August 85 25 .294
September 50 10 .200
Total w/o April 330 97 .293

Although both intervals included the final batting average, the Bayesian credible interval provided a much more precise prediction. In particular, it predicted that he would not be as good the remainder of the season.

7.6 Hierarchical Models

In this section, we use the mathematical theory which describes an approach that has become widely applied in the analysis of high-throughput data. The general idea is to build a hierachichal model with two levels. One level describes variability across samples/units, and the other describes variability across features. This is similar to the baseball example in which the first level described variability across players and the second described the randomness for the success of one player. The first level of variation is accounted for by all the models and approaches we have described here, for example the model that leads to the t-test. The second level provides power by permitting us to “borrow” information from all features to inform the inference performed on each one.

Here we describe one specific case that is currently the most widely used approach to inference with gene expression data. It is the model implemented by the limma Bioconductor package. This idea has been adapted to develop methods for other data types such as RNAseq by, for example, edgeR and DESeq2. This package provides an alternative to the t-test that greatly improves power by modeling the variance. While in the baseball example we modeled averages, here we model variances. Modelling variances requires more advanced math, but the concepts are practically the same. We motivate and demonstrate the approach with an example.

Here is a volcano showing effect sizes and p-value from applying a t-test to data from an experiment running six replicated samples with 16 genes artificially made to be different in two groups of three samples each. These 16 genes are the only genes for which the alternative hypothesis is true. In the plot they are shown in blue.

library(SpikeInSubset) ##Available from Bioconductor
fac <- factor(rep(1:2,each=3))
tt <- rowttests(exprs(rma95),fac)
smallp <- with(tt, p.value < .01)
spike <- rownames(rma95) %in% colnames(pData(rma95))
cols <- ifelse(spike,"dodgerblue",ifelse(smallp,"red","black"))

with(tt, plot(-dm, -log10(p.value), cex=.8, pch=16,
     xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(0,4.5),
     xlab="difference in means",
abline(h=2,v=c(-.2,.2), lty=2)
Volcano plot for t-test comparing two groups. Spiked-in genes are denoted with blue. Among the rest of the genes, those with p-value < 0.01 are denoted with red.

图 7.3: Volcano plot for t-test comparing two groups. Spiked-in genes are denoted with blue. Among the rest of the genes, those with p-value < 0.01 are denoted with red.

We cut-off the range of the y-axis at 4.5, but there is one blue point with a p-value smaller than \(10^{-6}\). Two findings stand out from this plot. The first is that only one of the positives would be found to be significant with a standard 5% FDR cutoff:

sum( p.adjust(tt$p.value,method = "BH")[spike] < 0.05)
## [1] 1

This of course has to do with the low power associated with a sample size of three in each group. The second finding is that if we forget about inference and simply rank the genes based on the size of the t-statistic, we obtain many false positives in any rank list of size larger than 1. For example, six of the top 10 genes ranked by t-statistic are false positives.

table( top50=rank(tt$p.value)<= 10, spike) #t-stat and p-val rank is the same
##        spike
## top50   FALSE  TRUE
##   FALSE 12604    12
##   TRUE      6     4

In the plot we notice that these are mostly genes for which the effect size is relatively small, implying that the estimated standard error is small. We can confirm this with a plot:

tt$s <- apply(exprs(rma95), 1, function(row) 
  sqrt(.5 * (var(row[1:3]) + var(row[4:6]) ) ) )
with(tt, plot(s, -log10(p.value), cex=.8, pch=16,
              log="x",xlab="estimate of standard deviation",
p-values versus standard deviation estimates.

(#fig:pval_versus_sd)p-values versus standard deviation estimates.

Here is where a hierarchical model can be useful. If we can make an assumption about the distribution of these variances across genes, then we can improve estimates by “adjusting” estimates that are “too small” according to this distribution. In a previous section we described how the F-distribution approximates the distribution of the observed variances.

\[ s^2 \sim s_0^2 F_{d,d_0} \]

Because we have thousands of data points, we can actually check this assumption and also estimate the parameters \(s_0\) and \(d_0\). This particular approach is referred to as empirical Bayes because it can be described as using data (empirical) to build the prior distribution (Bayesian approach).

Now we apply what we learned with the baseball example to the standard error estimates. As before we have an observed value for each gene \(s_g\), a sampling distribution as a prior distribution. We can therefore compute a posterior distribution for the variance \(\sigma^2_g\) and obtain the posterior mean. You can see the details of the derivation in this paper.

\[ \mbox{E}[\sigma^2_g \mid s_g] = \frac{d_0 s_0^2 + d s^2_g}{d_0 + d} \]

As in the baseball example, the posterior mean shrinks the observed variance \(s_g^2\) towards the global variance \(s_0^2\) and the weights depend on the sample size through the degrees of freedom \(d\) and, in this case, the shape of the prior distribution through \(d_0\).

In the plot above we can see how the variance estimates shrink for 40 genes (code not shown):

Illustration of how estimates shrink towards the prior expectation. Forty genes spanning the range of values were selected.

图 7.4: Illustration of how estimates shrink towards the prior expectation. Forty genes spanning the range of values were selected.

An important aspect of this adjustment is that genes having a sample standard deviation close to 0 are no longer close to 0 (they shrink towards \(s_0\)). We can now create a version of the t-test that instead of the sample standard deviation uses this posterior mean or “shrunken” estimate of the variance. We refer to these as moderated t-tests. Once we do this, the improvements can be seen clearly in the volcano plot:

fit <- lmFit(rma95, model.matrix(~ fac))
ebfit <- ebayes(fit)
limmares <- data.frame(dm=coef(fit)[,"fac2"], p.value=ebfit$p.value[,"fac2"])
with(limmares, plot(dm, -log10(p.value),cex=.8, pch=16,
     col=cols,xlab="difference in means",
     xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(0,5)))
abline(h=2,v=c(-.2,.2), lty=2)
Volcano plot for moderated t-test comparing two groups. Spiked-in genes are denoted with blue. Among the rest of the genes, those with p-value < 0.01 are denoted with red.

图 7.5: Volcano plot for moderated t-test comparing two groups. Spiked-in genes are denoted with blue. Among the rest of the genes, those with p-value < 0.01 are denoted with red.

The number of false positives in the top 10 is now reduced to 2.

table( top50=rank(limmares$p.value)<= 10, spike) 
##        spike
## top50   FALSE  TRUE
##   FALSE 12608     8
##   TRUE      2     8